Improve your lifestyle in 2015

Improvement doesn't come over night, it comes with change, patience and involvement. So if you want new, exciting or fulfilling things happening to you, then you'll have to live your life differently than you've done in the past. Reflect on what you did wrong in the past few years or what you didn't do at all and work on those aspects.

Don't get overwhelmed with all of the self-improvement ideas that come all at once in mind, focus on simple and manageable changes first and raise the bar as you go.

Here are a few starting points that will most certainly lead to a healthier and happier lifestyle and make you and your world better in 2015 and beyond.

Recycle any waste that is recyclable, you will do nature a big favour. Save gallons of water by turning off the tap while you do the dishes, while you brush your teeth and stop wasting toilet paper as it costs the life of thousands of trees. It's a strong feeling to know that you're helping at a higher level than what you're used to actually seeing every day.

Eat healthy and support local instead of shopping from large grocery retailers.

Control the time you spend on social media. Cut off usual activities that don't benefit you and replace that time with others that will pay off in the long run.

Stop blaming others, start being successful by assuming responsibility for your success and your failure.

Improve and redefine your code of ethics.

Share your appreciation for you parents, children, friends out loudly. Tell them you love them as frequently as you can and show them through concrete, valuable actions.

Raise the quality of the people you spend time with. Try to keep strong, confident, funny, intelligent, wealthy, creative people close to you and absorb as much as you can from their assets.

Get rid of all of the negativity, either if it's yours or of the people surrounding you, you will not only have a more serene and open attititude towards life, but you will also have future chances of success.

Try to be more productive and learn how to do so. Visualize what you need to do the next day the night before, plan your schedule around the most important things you have to accomplish and spend less time focusing on everyday routine. Also, find out when your creativity and work energy peaks, make space for it and leverage it. You will be more satisfied with yourself, especially when you see the results of your smart task prioritization.

Last but not least, help yourself by helping others. Be willing to give a hand whenever and however you can, without expecting something in return, because we all know that what good goes around, comes around tenfold.

2018-06-05 10:55:23
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